"Hi xxx, please stop asking me the same question. I've answered it 4 times already via email, slack and in person on our zoom calls, over the past 2 weeks. I do not own the ticket and have no idea of the status or the dates. Ask the owner."

- slack response I was forced to write this morning to the guy my company put in charge of the entire product (mobile, multiple backends, frontend etc.).

  • 26
    "You can be quite negative in the office"

    Really? I hadn't noticed. lets look at the root cause shall we?
  • 7
    @irene yeah, “that’s rad” is absolutely not what I was screaming inside my head this morning lol
  • 3
    At first I thought you reposted your previous rant
  • 8
    @electrineer it’s the same person asking the same question again. I sent that email with the 11 “as per last email”’s on Monday.

    In that email was a bullet point something like:

    Feature A:
    - this is being driven by backend and has nothing to do with me (per last email)

    Now this morning he’s asked the same god damn fucking thing again
  • 7
    Oh, we have an update. He replied saying he only asked me because the owner is not in today.

    Despite it having nothing to do with me, he thought he’d ask again incase I heard anything.

    ... about something that has nothing to do with me ... from someone on another team ... in another country ... 8 hour time difference away ... that I have frequently complained does not respond to me when I do have a question ...


    Do you poses the mental capacity to tie your own shoelaces in the morning. Scratch that, no point asking, I know the answer
  • 1
    @practiseSafeHex implement a rule to forward emails about that question to the correct person
  • 0
    @practiseSafeHex I would say “Oh on the contrary I’m quite positive. I’m positive you are all morons.”
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