What a bunch of liars....Gmail still doesn't have all my "favorite Inbox features"!

  • 4
    Yeah, that really sucks!
    I liked the Inbox "workflow".
  • 2
    Gone in 14 days? What?
  • 2
    I thought inbox was a good thing ... Betrer UI, no promo ads ... And then they force feed us 2012 gmail because logic
  • 1
    Very glad to know I have so many fellow pissed off mates. No one I know uses inbox!
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    -_- Where were you all just a little while ago?...
    I posted about the same thing (even linked a petition) and all I got was angry Google haters, shaking pitchforks and shouting "kill it with fire!"
  • 0
    What features are missing?
    I think I have everything I needed from inbox.
  • 4
    I for one really liked the ability to tick emails as "done", emails being grouped by date AND type, and the way you could go in and out of groups with a single click
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    @mundo03 For starers, reminders. Tasks has been polished somewhat recently but it still doesn't integrate with Assistant or any of other Gsuite of apps.

    Also the workflow of the Inbox app is way nicer. No ads. Way better auto sorting and grouping of mail. It was also simple to quickly clear out new mail and mark it as done.

    The blue color scheme was better too. But I know that more a matter of taste then a missing feature.
  • 0
    @bhouston Gmail has all that, except the blue theme and ads.
    But it does have the ability to change theme
  • 0
    @mundo03 It doesn't have reminders from Google Assistant and it has ads.

    The main problem is the forced transition. Google could just leave the app alone and stop updates. Those of us who want to keep using it can as long as it works.
  • 0
    Inbox was always a damned experiment, deal with it.

    Reminders: it has calendar integration now, you can create a demanded reminder there.
    Or ask asistant to remind you with your voice

    Or snooze the email like a normal person and read it later.

    Also, deal with the ads, get an adblocker.

    If inbox stayed as a regular google product, it would have ads. Nothing in this life is free.
  • 2
    @mundo03 Dude. Who peed in your Cheerios this morning?

    Some of us like the Inbox "experiment". If you don't, that's fine. But you don't need to rip into the rest of us for liking it.
  • 0
    @bhouston who peed in yours?
    You are complaining about nothing.
    You forgot the private company that created inbox can do whatever it likes and your opinion does not matter, mainly because you are the product they sell to people that actually pays them.

    So, learn how to use gmail or stop using it.
    Also, peeing in the cereal yourself is not ok man, I know it will make it warmer but please stop doing it.
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    @mundo03 If mine doesn't matter, then it's comforting to know yours doesn't either.

    Im going to enjoy a good product while it is still around.

    Google makes tons of mistakes I expected this one to be made sooner or later.
  • 0
    @bhouston oh but mine matters, because I am not talking about google, I am talking about you, and you keep coming here to read it, which is way more than you get from google

    I am giving you answers God dammit.
    Also, the announcement about inbox dying was given months ago, you are late.

    Does pee in the cereal make you angry or complain more?
  • 2
    @mundo03 Not really. Posted about this several times over the last year.

    Sure your answering but you are just being a troll about it.

    Go bother someone else. I'm done giving you my time.
  • 0
    @bhouston i am being a Troll, but an honest troll.

    It is not much, but it is honest work.

    I am trying ti help you, complaining less about hopeless shits like this and avoiding piss in the cereal will make you a happier person.

    Also, I am providing a good framework for you: Stop complaininh. Find solutions, protect your cereal from peeing assholes. Repeat.

    You are welcome.
  • 2
    @mundo03 relax. You are making a scene over nothing.
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    Also I'd gladly pay for inbox.
    Didnt found an alternative (paid or free) that fits my workflow.
  • 1
    @SauceBoss I agree. I actually moved as much as possible away from Google after their decision to essentially shut down hangouts and reverse the limited Voice integration. They need to pick a direction and stick with it.
  • 1
    The thing I miss the most (it came with Inbox, but was removed already some time ago) is snoozing reminders or emails to a location instead of time.

    Fucking brilliant.

    I could simply set a reminder for when I'm home, or at some friend's place (ask for that thing I lend out), or at parents / other family, or at work / school.

    Just. Fucking. Brilliant.

    But noooooo. It was probably not being used by enough people? Or too resource consuming for the device? Or difficult to manage if a user has multiple devices (which could be at different locations)? I don't care! It worked brilliantly for me.

    I'm tempted to use a different location based reminder app for this, but it'll never integrate as well as a pure Google solution.
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    @musician this is not what a scene looks like
  • 1
    Just came across this rant - I felt exactly the same when I was told this morning that GMail has _my_ favourite features!

    Perhaps I've just not found it, but my favourite inbox feature is the ability to pin a mail and then "tick" to sweep all the other mails in that category away. In Gmail "pinning" seems to star the mail, but I haven't seen an easy "one tap" way of archiving everything except the starred/pinned items.

    Very happy to be told I'm an idiot and this is there after all!
  • 0
    @eepyaich another great example of a missing feature.
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