  • 3
    man its a text editor not IDE
  • 1
    Totally useless, imagine changing the colors for every day 🙄
  • 0
    That's why I don't post ss of my code here *obligatory_rollsafe.png*
  • 3
    Attention whoring at its finest.
  • 0
    @maushax that looks like vscode, and it doesn't come with essential things to develop.
  • 0
    @maushax I had a problem with Visual Studio license the other day, switched to VSCode for a day.

    Even with plugins installed, I wouldn't be able to develop on it (dot net core):

    - Refactoring/ extract code, rename, etc not supported.
    - Static analysis not supported.
    - "Find implementations for interface" doesn't work. Cannot view call tree.
    - No performance profiler. Cannot take heap shot.
    - Cannot customize how exceptions are handled, i.e. when I want to ignore exceptions already handled.
    - No "Edit and continue", "Enable just my code", ect.
    - Debugging/ inspecting/ watch/ evaluation is poor.
    - ....

    No way VS code is an "IDE" to me. Its a text editor for the web, those who don't need the things mentioned.
  • 0
    @nam17887 Yeah it's not.
    But if you look at the weight, vscode is much lighter (unlike VS). It's occupies 100-200 mbs of ram and doesn't take lot of cpu.
    Plus VS isn't supported on Linux (it wasn't 2 years ago. If Microsoft added it in between I don't know)

    Also, VSCode has great support for js, html, case, node etc.

    I usually use VSCode to edit small projects or single files. For bigger projects , I use JetBrains Tools.

    On a side note, have you used CLion? I would like to see how it stands up against VS. Planning to undertake a cpp project soon. Might have to install Windows if CLion doesn't work properly.
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