Fucking China!

The only time they ever come out of their pathetic walled internet is to attack your servers.

Fuck that country.

  • 7
    Do you have any legitimate customers in China, and are you running a CDN? If so most have georestriction features you can use to nuke nearly all traffic from any particular country.
  • 5
    Well said. One day I was configuring ssh on port 22 on my router and within few minutes I see huge number of ssh connection originating from Chinese IP. Luckily I had fail2ban installed.. Phew!
  • 5
    @notify I have my fail2ban configured to ban anything that tries to enter with a nonexistent user or root, it's been quiet for days now :) (nevermind that it's public key authentication only)

    Love this package

    Private server and whitelisted my ip btw
  • 4
    My use case is different, I need to login from several public machine so PKI will not help me. So I used shellinbox with nginx proxy, any other method you can suggest?
  • 5
    @notify i'm afraid I don't have that much experience with it yet, it's my first vps :)
  • 5
    Auth.log is scary! Thank goodness for fail2ban
  • 3
    @notify It is possible (but security wise not the best idea) "pass around" the SSH-agent with you personal public key, but I'm not sure if that is what you want.

    Alternatively, can't you whitelist the machines that password authentication from these machines is enough?
  • 3
    If I use sshpass then I have carry the public key on all the machine but anyway thanks for the idea, I am going to upgrade to openwrt and setup the agent less ssh.

    The machine I use to login has dynamic ip so cannot whitelist the ip. If I blacklist certain range of ip's then again VPN will fail which has dynamic ip too
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce I don't think I'll ever have a customer from China.

    I'm not using any CDN, but Fail2Ban is working good enough for now.
  • 2
    @HoloDreamer Yup, that's the most common case (China is a big market, but one you need to appeal to very specifically to gain any traction, so it's not worth the effort for most.) If you ever upgrade to a CDN, that can be worth putting in place.
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