  • 7
    I like Apple products but I respect this sticker lol
  • 9
    I dont like the religous attitude of some appleusers and i think steve jobs was an modern edison. But i acknowledge that they made some interesting innovations.
  • 0
    If so, why you have an apple device?
  • 2
    Because there are idiots who buy iPhone, and you need OSX to create iOS apps
  • 1
    So brave
  • 1
    @Jilano my point.
  • 4
    Apple hating and Edison bashing? What is this, 9gag?
  • 2
    I use Mac for about 10 years (because mobile development on iOS and android). Never had an issue before. Got the 2018 macbook pro and in the past 2 weeks, I had 2 logic boards replaced, the screen, battery, pretty much every fucking thing. And the idiots at the genius bar, refused to just give me a new unit. Total repair costs: 3000 USD. Thanks for the warranty, but I'll be selling this soon. So yeah, great sticker. Here's mine
  • 1
    I have to buy my first Apple laptop now just so I can use this sticker :D
  • 0
    Apple is really great, but I love the sticker tho
  • 0
    I love apple products!
    I love this sticker too!
  • 1
    i have several people i suddenly have a gift idea for…
  • 1
    new record for quickest post about hating apple
  • 0
    Yes people hate me for this.
  • 1
    btw, I hate Apple too
  • 1
    I hate Apple hardware
    I like MacOS.
    I prefer Linux.
  • 0
    China number one !
  • 0
    @Crysis21 You maybe had no issues but you spend a lot of money for a computer that should cost 600€
  • 0
    @HamsterOh My company did, no me. And I'm a mobile dev... so I kinda need an apple machine for iOS
  • 1
    Ha HA HAA! I just got my 3'rd logic board replacement on the last week of warranty. Laptop was becoming so hot and throttling even at basic tasks. I couldn't join a video call anymore. Now they fixed my screen wrong and it cracks when I open it.
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