
CSS, is that you ????

  • 12
    That’s what she said 😂
  • 14
    Jokes on you I am single
    ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


  • 3
  • 4
    Body {
    Overflow-x : hidden;

    Now work on the content and text XD
  • 4
    What would be a real challenge is to make this broken exactly the same way on different screens.
  • 2
    fake pic, someone woulda torn off the free end within like an hour of it being put up
  • 5
    @Parzi So it's a clearly Dutch street (lack of sun, old women with ugly hair, >50% of the picture is bikes and bike traffic signs, there's a sign "wasserij service").

    A quick reverse image search and some metadata scraping later it's clear that the image is copyrighted by Havas, a real ad agency from amsterdam, and that it's a real poster.

    This is from their vimeo demo reel:


    The fact that this is posted on devRant 3 years later proves it was a smart campaign 😆
  • 4
    Yes, no flexbox, just 90's css !important
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