Let's make a challenge:
If we put a vegan and an Arch user on the same room. which one will talk first announcing that he's vegan/using arch??

  • 9
    I think it will be another guy knocking the door saying that he's using duckduckgo and not Google.

  • 4
    don't forget about the vim guy.
    I am one of "that guy"s.
  • 7
    This is not a challenge, more like a division-by-zero turned kernel panic thing...

    Things could explode, people could go insane. Don't try this at home.
  • 1
    An Antichrist will be born.
  • 1
    Better: put a emacs guy and a vim guy in the same room.
  • 0
    I am a "hate react" guy !
    And "loooooove angular 😍"
    Consider php7 as better than node
    Hate ppl who mix front and back js code
    Consider that swift is a "mobile php"
    Like C
  • 0
    ...then others will come, saying all kinds of "X is better than Y", "I use X and it's the best", "Y sucks balls" etc...

    Then, when enough critical mass has been accumulated, they will start to resonate, then bicker and fight, then riots will begin, then people will blow up things and lose their mind.

    As I wrote above, don't try this at home. In fact, just don't try it. Truly division by zero (maybe accompanied by buffer overflow) and then kernel panic. Then explosions, because why not.
  • 0
    If the Arch user brought their laptop, then the Arch user will speak up first. If there is food in the room, then the Vegan will say it first.

    If the room contains both a computer and food, they might speak simultaneously and collapse the universe.
  • 0
    And whaf If they are both vegan and use Arch?
  • 2
    @fthielen Resonance. Oscillation. Positive feedback on an unending loop. Explosions. See above.
  • 0
    And here I am, a vegan vim user running arch 😂
  • 0
    If the vegan owns a MacBook only one person is walking out of the room
  • 1
    I think there are more rants about vegans/arch users, than actual vegans/arch users who annoy other people.
  • 1
    @w00000t Eh, it’s close, but def more vegans than people complaining
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