How are you dealing with imposter syndrom and general self doubt?

More specifically on technical interviews, how do I know if what I am saying is reasonable and not just some gibberish of keywords I picked up over the years...

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    you put your ideas to test on the internet with other developers you look up to...
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    Don't talk gibberish. Don't pretend to be what you are not. Don't lie.

    Speak of things you know about. If in doubt - let all the parties know you have doubts. Admitting you do not know something is always better than speculating or claiming your own truths.

    When you talk about things you know, you will feel confident.

    Do you feel like an imposter if you're asked "what did you have for breakfast today?" ? No you don't. Bcz you know for sure what you had for breakfast. The same applies to your professional self.

    Be truthful. Don't lie
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    Well hey, to me it seems like most interviews are a gibberish of keywords. Also, listen to @netikras. I told my previous employer I pirate a lot of shit through couchpotato and sonarr and thus had done some side projects in relation to that.
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