When learning the Spring Framework where should I start?

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    @wiwe2210 why the red flag, shouldn't I learn Spring?
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    Spring Framework has a lot of things. Are you looking to start with IoC/DI? If so, you should ignore Spring Boot for now.

    And their official docs are good enough
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    @Yggdrasil so that I get a notification of new comments. Very interested in the answers myself
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    @asgs well to be more specific I will start a position as java developer later this year and my future employer said I will be working with both spring and spring boot... My current knowledge of both is near to zero. So I was wondering if spring has a path of least resistence when it comes to learning it.

    But so you would start with dependency injection?
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    @Yggdrasil absolutely, it started as a DI container and it is now almost a replacement for JEE
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    @asgs ok super thanks a lot😀
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    This website has a ton of free content about Spring that I use on the regular at my workplace.

    You can also check out the documentation Pivotal provides for the Spring Framework/Boot at https://spring.io/projects

    Finally, if your employer has continuing education funding, check out some courses on Udemy, Pluralsight or even Pivotal's own Core Spring course.
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    @obsecurity thx a lot😀
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    @asgs A replacement? :)

    TO: @Yggdrasil.
    @asgs is right, start w/ DI. As @obsecurity has pointed out, baeldung will be your best friend. His blog has covered nearly everything Spring can offer.

    2¢ from me: start w/ Spring boot. SpringFramework is a set of utils, specs implementations, tools for you to use. You can ofc use them w/o Boot, but that'll be cumbersome and arguably useful.
    Boot does nothing else but collects all those utils into launchable, pluggable components so you don't have to rape Tomcat, Jetty or wtv container to initiate your Spring's contexts. Boot has already taken care of all of it.

    Boot will launch an empty app. To make it do something you'll have to configure Spring's contexts by creating your own @Bean[s].

    Look up what contexts are and what they do, their restrictions. Also bat an eye on IoC principles (DI). hands-on xp will NOT be enough for the job. Take it from someone who thought it will :)
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    @netikras yes. Apps barely run on JEE containers anymore. With the move to Microservices, it makes even more sense to adopt light weight containers.

    Of course, enterprises are different and they won't catch up easily since they don't want to
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    Depends o how fabulous I am feeling
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    I was in a similar position as you a couple months ago.

    I started with this course

    Then did this one to learn abt proper structure and spring rest

    Both courses together took me around 1 month

    Out of curiosity, can u tell the name of your future employer
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