
Background: I'm proficient at PowerShell, I was told that I got hired to my previous job (as DevOps engineer) mainly because of that skill.

Few months after I started I wrote a script to automate some processes. My boss saw the script and told me that it was too complicated, and that I should make it more simple.
Now I'm all into clean code, meaningful names, small functions.
So the code was readable and maintainable.
I asked him in what way is it complicated. He didn't know exactly. (Later I figured that he didn't know of some of the (built-in) cmdlets and functions I used.)
He raised his hand high and made a gesture and explained that I'm "that high (skill? enthusiasm?)", then lowered his hand to a lower position to mark the bottom line, then raised it up half way up and said that he wants me here - in the middle.
After that he added: "This is not Microsoft! and we don't own the 3 other buildings that can be seen from our office window" and pointed at the window.

I was surprised by his comment, I didn't know how to respond.
I've got more stories to share about that workplace.
I can't believe I stayed at that place for 1 year and 2 months.

  • 18
    Wait what, he got upset because you were good at something and wanted to do your best to solve a problem at work? 🤨 You don't build large successful companies with that attitude.
  • 8
    @Elyz there is a secret in the US, you don’t want your company to be successful. You want just enough growth to overturn churn.
  • 8
    🤨what on earth kind of place do you work for.

    Do your best to not do your best so I can understand what you've done 🙁
  • 8
    Well his issue probably was who would be maintaining that if you're not there.
  • 7
    @Fast-Nop I’ve heard this reasoning before, and it actually makes sense
  • 2
    I bet it's his wife pissed him off and he came to work, it's obvious that he had to to find some reason to argue with you, fuck that guy mate, keep up the good work!
  • 3
    @devTea as long as you can look your manager in the eye and say "i followed all the rules in the book, anyone with my skillset who takes over from me will be able to maintain this" i don't see the problem.
    managers should stick to just that, i certainly appreciate that mine don't demand to understand everything i do - nothing bad about him, but he's not a coder and doesn't want to be.

    now sure, if you're the fucking mozart of coding, this might be an issue - but chances are you're building algorithms for the next generation of quantum computers if that's the case, not writing powershell automation.
  • 0
    @ArcaneEye the irony is, I learn more advanced stack during intern (maybe selft taught as well) and not allowed to use it because not many can maintain it
  • 2
    The commands are built in a quick doc read would be. Enoughgh for anyone to maintain it.
    Fuck the boss.

    @devTea teach them the advance shit and document it.
    Maintability is not about skills, is about documentation.
  • 0
    @mundo03 by stack I also mean cleaner code, basic of C# and OOP style. They don’t seem to care, I tried
  • 1
    @devTea yeah of course.
    But doing a worse job that the one you are capable seems to br a bad compromise for you.
  • 0
    @mundo03 I don’t understand that sentence
  • 1
    @devTea i mean you compromised on not doing your best job, because people would not care about certain things.
    That is just a bad trade.
  • 2
    @mundo03 yes, that’s why I’m looking for a new one
  • 3
    I have the perfecr image for you!
  • 2
    Maintainability is only an issue if they can't afford to hire someone as good as you or at least close enough. Which means you are overqualified and underpaid and at that point you better look for a new job...
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