
Senior frontend Dev at my company: "microservices best thing ever"

Also him: "Relational databases gonna die"

Also him (talking to the DB team): "You're gonna dissapear, Mongo is the future"

Me: "Eh... Dude, Mongo is still a database.."

Him: "Microservices"

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  • 49
    I can send you a shovel, tape and some plastic bags.
    Its essentially the same as help.
  • 24
    And this is why he stays at the front end!
  • 7
    @C0D4 He was researching how to also separate our frontend into "micro-builds" lol
  • 8
    @meseguer1998 well... that could be a whole new way of doing frontend.

    Templates as a Service anyone... TaaS for short!
  • 13
    Please don’t be rude, maybe he got some microservice problem in his pants.
  • 6
    Just start saying that he's wrong and macro services are the future. Either refuse to explain or make up some bs about what a macro service is.

    Also claim that sequential files are going to make a comeback for data storage.
  • 5
    NO! You keep up!!

    Start throwing buzzwords around yourself. I’d recommend pitching in to the conversation with the latest advances in AI driven cloud based blockchain analytics.

    You know where to take it from there!
  • 15
    Microservices are going to disappear. YOU are going to disappear!

  • 4

  • 3
    I see that @netikras has mastered the art of buzzword-driven argumentation.
  • 3
    This is not ok from your side really, just don't disrupt this type of specie, let them live with their ideology for god sake.. shms..
  • 2
    @flocke [Eggs at Lee]!!! <- [that was a pun, figure it out or just ignore it]
  • 2
    Tell him JSP is the next big thing and frameworks are gonna end : /
  • 3
    Another guy following the "trend" I hate it when I have people like that at work, it causes chaos and nothing more
  • 2
    Microservices are great for things like document conversion, but the last place I worked at tried to make a microservice/API server for every little object (with their own databases). That was the dumbest thing ever. Data integrity becomes a massive problem for the application to handle since each API works independently and you don't have foreign keys. You can't perform joins without pulling from separate services and merging manually. It adds a billion new breaking points. It's confusing to dig into at first (new hires were lost). It's overly complicated to make a change (have to push to the API repo, update the SDK, pull the updated SDK into the website repo, push that repo, and finally deploy all at the same time with rollbacks if any one of them fails. Ugh. This structure works fine for a single API and satellite servers, but it sucks when there's a users API, a companies API, etc.
  • 1
  • 1
    Well, microservices is the way forward tho
  • 1
  • 1
    @grumpyoldaf not at all. I was dead serious. Nobody writes huge monolithic systems anymore
  • 1
    Tell him about micro-frontends!

    Dev used *Distraction*!
  • 0
    @Stebner55 This is an interesting comment. Since you seem very familiar with the thematics could you explain to me for what microservices work and for what they don't?

    I.e. how did Netflix model their things to make it work for them?

    Or in other words what would you consider to be the concerns of microservices?
  • 0
    And that's why his position is Frontend Developer.
  • 0
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