This “Caps lock is on” feature when typing in passwords was probably very angrily added by a developer after several failed log in attempts.

  • 6
    Please don't add all tags to your post.
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    @PrivateGER jesus christ
  • 3
    More likely after support complained about all support calls ending with, “Is caps-lock on?”
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    That or the thousands of support calls MS probably got over the years.
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    Once upon a time one of our clients asked us to put a "Caps Lock is On" sign in a web form, but it should be shown before the user typed anything.

    We had to find articles explaining that the browser don't provide this information.

    It wasn't a smart client.
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    Me typing password: *uses both shift and capslock to make some letters capital*

    I love it when those capslock on notifs turn on and off. And if something interrupts me, I sometimes don't have to type the password again because capslock state (and the visual length) will remind me where I was. 😜
  • 1
    @haze whats your password? I need a demo video of you typing you password that would be amazing to watch!
  • 1
    @GurvirBhogal Nice try. ;)

    The caps part in this one originated from my default password at uni - random upper and lower characters string of around 8 chars. ;) Password requirements for password change were awful (I prefer length over unnecessary complexity), so I ended up learning it (muscle memory).

    I think I could maaaybe show typing the original part. ;) Not the current part nor the full pass, obviously. But only in person and without recording any of it.

    Oh, also btw trollish password: on my ooold computer (12yo last month, I should probably open it sometime and check what interesting I can find), first part of the the pass started with 1234, ended with 567890... And had 18 characters.
  • 1
    Yeah, one of most useless keys. I always remap it to smth else.
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    @haze record your screen with the caps lock flickering on and off. There would be no issues with security then 😁
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