Pure first world problems

  • 19
    But DRM is good, Until they pull the plug.... yea I'm an anti-drm guy, but don't confuse this for not willing to pay for content.

    You do not own the books, you mearly pay to view them for an unspecified amount of time.
  • 13
    DRM is a stupid concept as it makes the product you can buy worse than the product you can acquire for free.
  • 8
    @RocketSurgeon Apple removed DRM from Itunes sometime ago.
    But yes - DRM should die, because it is an imcentive to pirate stuff that you want to buy. It was motivated by pure greed, and the idea that you only rent the content, not buy it.
  • 5
    I still buy paper books. I have a kindle with some books I “permanently borrowed” from various sources, but paper is preferred.
  • 9
    The 'rent' idea might not be so bad if the books didn't cost as much as the paperbacks... and occasionally more.
  • 6
    DRM must die.
  • 1
    @RocketSurgeon dude....
    March 31, 2019 was the date when they stopped any further downloads

    And will be dead way sooner than 5-10 years
  • 2
    Itunes did not stop downloads.
  • 7
    Fahrenheit 451, 21st century version
  • 3
    @RememberMe Favorite book of all time. Perfect reference.
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