So I'm two weeks into my vacation now, and haven't actually touched any code during this time. Do you guys program when you have vacation?

To be more specific, I'm spending the first part of my vacation at home ;)

  • 2
    I've had 1 real vacation over the past 10 years, I usually work or am working on side projects / learning something new.

    It was the best time of my life being code / work sober.
  • 1
    I sometimes contribute to open source a bit here and there, but no, not usually, and certainly not *often*. I find it very healthy to take a complete break for a week or two every so often.
  • 0
    I usually only touch a tv and my phone.
  • 1
    I just got back from being off for 3 weeks (my longest vacation so far).. I say on my patio with the sun and a beer and refused to work on code.

    Coming back to the mess that was left.. eesh
  • 1
    Usually when I go to vacation I reset myself on factory settings and avoid using computer / phone as much as possible.

    It's just for my peace of mind, not feeling bad about it since I'll be using them again daily for next 6-12 months..
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    It’s really hard to tell what vacation mean when you work remotely and you have task oriented job.
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    Yeah about full time on my own projects 😅
  • 0
    I have vacations planned from 24/08 to 04/09.

    Only thing I'll be coding is wow classic toon to level 60
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