Got contacted for a job "interview" by a company because they were looking for "people with my skill set". All my profiles say I am a fullstack web dev with experience in frontend js frameworks and js and php backend frameworks.

Come in to find the "interview" is an exam. Ok, fine. My brain could do with some exercise.

After the basic IQ type questions, I get the web dev exam.

It is 95% of the questions are about CSS and HTML basics.


  • 2
    Sadly pretty normal.
  • 1
    When HR do the interviews, what do you expect ?
  • 3
    I have heard they have been having problems with devs coming in and being great at say, React, but cant troubleshoot basic css and html issues. Could be a reason. They just had a discussion about this over at https://syntax.fm a great podcast about web dev from Wes Bos and Scott Talinski. CodeHustle
  • 2
    That's because most applicants seem to be so fucking stupid and incompetent that such simple checks narrow them down to a number that the actual tech department can review.

    Some years ago, the "FizzBuzz" test was infamous for being both ridiculously easy and still remarkably effective at weeding out most of the idiot applicants.
  • 1
    A job like that surely pays terribly, wouldn't you see the salary and immediately decline an interview before even knowing anything else about the job?
  • 1
    @C0D4 not this tbh. haven't gone to interviews in 3 years but the last time around was a lot better.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop @jdhirsch you guys make good points that I did not think about. thanks for the insight. makes me less angry about the whole situation.

    I still feel like I wasted my time on a joke though.
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