
Why did you put 80+ properties for a single class? What’s the point? Why?

  • 15
    Because fuck you, thats why.
  • 10
    "Who cares, it works"
  • 7
    @irene That's an example of my single biggest pet peeve during my studies. We would get these tiny artificial problems so of course you would just write a public static void main with your 30 lines of logic, only to be reprimanded about solid and best practices.

    The only strict, no-compromise rule I follow is "It Depends (tm)".
  • 6
    It depends!
  • 8
    @irene @ltlian this isn’t oop, this is shit
  • 1
    @irene Oh it sounds like one of my very first C++ projects after I discovered QT but was lost in QT creator haha

    It worked with main window class beeing.. around a fuckton of methods. And it only contained MainWindow class and some popup's classes ;-;

    But it worked, so here is that...
  • 7
    After single page application, there is now single class application. Whole new future is arising
  • 5

    Next step is single method application ;)
  • 1
    @DubbaThony time for me to be a baker, no shit design anymore
  • 1
    @theKarlisK single line application ? What about python?

    Okay, nobod.. eghm...
    I don't like and care about python
  • 4
    80 seems a little excessive, but maybe they felt the class was lonely and underused so needed some more positive attributes?
  • 1
    I've seen something similar, and it wasn't the worst part of the project.
  • 2
    That happens when you don't know arrays bruh
  • 3
    Currently working on a project that have 150+ columns in several tables :/ my models starts being chubby
  • 2
    @Lyniven I don’t even know which properties goes into which context, ffffaaaakkk this
  • 1
    @devTea Be careful and talk quietly. It might be Skynet. Also, if it is Skynet save humanity by adding Asimov's laws and Wheaton's law to the constructor.
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    @irene Did you write our legacy apps? I hate you.
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  • 1
    @DubbaThony "why not just simply wrap everything in the main function?"
  • 2
    @irene didn't APL have the first code golf contests?
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    PlayerController for a game
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    And if any functions used, make sure these are inline functions (its feature of c or cpp i dont rly remember) that way you make sure it ends up as truly one function heh
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    @irene yeah, but the king. Maybe they are king and queen?
  • 1
    @irene you're king of online arguments ;-) (perl though, I dread this project that's awaiting us using it. Even after some thousand lines of bashisms and an awkward JS encounter I'm still intimidated.. Don't understand how it could have been elected to teach programming to my wife.)
  • 1
    Power user features
  • 2
    Some people run around all day carrying hammers.

    And everything looks like a nail.
  • 2
    My favorite is when some near-do-well creates a single base class, or interface, when theres only two classes that implement it "just in case."

    Motherfucker, save that for the REFACTOR when the code has 7-10 classes with something in common WORTH factoring down into a class, interface, or other ilk. I don't want to sift through someones fifty pages of doxygen bullshit interfaces and base classes where 50% of the classes are base classes that do nothing just so I can figure out what every other fucking class I'm using actually does.
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