Web developers(or anyone uses Javascript one way or another? Why are you the way that you are?

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    I'm a crazy lunatic, as for why? High stress smothered with short deadlines.

    Or... do you have something else in mind?
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    SYNTAX ERROR expecting ')' received EOF
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    @C0D4 farthest away from engineering aspect kinda disgusts me. If a non sw-eng can do it, is it respectable? Maybe it is my elitism but web dev is like a cheap hooker, everyone looks at it and it is on high demand but have no elegance or class(just like js) 😬
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    @aviophile everyone can do it, sure.
    Not everyone can do it well.

    Same can be applied to more traditional programming.

    I like web, purely because I can interact with my changes on the fly without having to build / deploy code only to find out you forgot something.

    On the other hand, web isn't just a pretty front end - it's also the backend, databases, infrastructure and security, APIs, and a whole bunch more - this is where I sit as a fullstack dev.

    Actually, as I'm writing this I'm implementing credit card processing with multiple 3rd parties for processing and fraud checking.

    I feel you are picking on a subset of entry level webdev here with the "it's easy, anyone can do it", or as we like to call them, wordpress devs 😉
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    Client side
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    @C0D4 whenever I hear this year’s hip is angular, last year was react, next year will be shitgular, I get sick. I dunno what these are but too many tools and frameworks, changign constantly, that makes me look down upon some portion of web development, not that I think anyone cares.
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    @aviophile oh I understand from that perspective.

    The problem is, JavaScript is in a world of its own with major influencers trying to solve underlying issues while creating their own problems on top and their own way of doing things.

    MIcrosoft: typescript
    Facebook: react
    Google: angular
    The community: vuejs - if I'm not mistaken.

    All frameworks or tools are just fighting with each other to be the go to.
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    @C0D4 but does that competition create better products? Do they merge into more standardized single product/method? I just see they compartmentalize the field and provide a gateway for entry.
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    @C0D4 There Will Never be a „Go to Solution“ in the Web. There are the basic and infinite amount of opinions. There is no right, nor wrong. You take what fits best.

    Personally I hate Vue as it feels more like a hobby-framework like bootstrap.

    React can do a lot but can be weird and gets slow fast. (bitbucket, jira!)

    Angular is way to complicated, but a wise choice if you make a large Enterprise product.

    WebComponents is the closest one, But Even that has gotten it's own compiler "with framework feeling without an Framework" already that utilizes the power of typescript (stencil)

    And no one stops you for mixing things up. We're using React at work, but I enforce strict rules from angular, since they had scalabillity in mind and I find them very thought-out.

    This is why I love web dev. It's diverse and no one will mock you for doing things differently. (Except you don't know what you're doing, that's why most can't get a grasp of "the right thing")
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    @aviophile I may not be the best person for this, I'm not a webdev in the sense of the generalisation you're speaking off.

    But ideally web has become the stepping stone to programming (c#, java and the likes)

    Basically the only language supported at front end - excluding web assembly for arguments sake - is JavaScript and with the recent years moving JavaScript into the server side (NodeJS) the problems with JavaScript have blown out a gigantic mess of things and have been more noticeable with every tech blog trying to make full stack developers out of Js devs - why learn multiple languages when you can learn 1 and do everything?

    Unfortunately all these frameworks try to be their own thing and do things different enough you generally only pick one and stick to it as you can't really mix and match as this level (well.. you probably could but that's just adding a clusterfuck to the original mess)

    I get that, and Web is extremely diverse. It's one of those fields where you nod off for a day and you end up a year behind, and that's just outside of JS.

    I haven't had a project to rebuild or start a fresh with any of these frameworks but angular seems like the nicer choice overall.

    React seems over complicated for complicated sake and vue appears to be the baby of the bunch.
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