
Windows XP has Biege Screen of death w/o log. 😒

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    @irene well then... I discovered a new BSoD. Beige Screen of Death w/o Logs. 😂
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    Somehow you're using Windows XP I 2019. I think the beige screen is a side affect if this.
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    ,@C0D4i ain't using it. I was trying to fix an old PC. 😅
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    Why would all problems be such that the computer is still capable of showing a picture?
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    The OS is so old that the blue color fade into beige
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    I am still using it in 2019 - on 2 computers, a very lite version of XP - Performance Edition, no issues whatsoever.

    Old but "gold", maybe it's a fading gold color instead.😀
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    It's like with humans... They change color with age as well
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