I'm actually setting up a server that's supposed to have a very good uptime with Arch Linux
I use Arch btw

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    (probably gonna work better than it did on Debian. At least I hope so)
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    @kescherRant i have one. With jenkins and an repo for aur. Im working to build an package in an chroot with an lock for my repo to make sure an build doesnt fail if another writes the repo at the same time. At the moment i have only an writelock for the db.
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    09:24:40 up 454 days, 18:52, 15 users, load average: 4,05, 3,46, 2,92
    MY_SERVER:cat /etc/redhat-release
    CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
    MY_SERVER:echo $PS1

    Good luck :)
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    Arch linux amirite?
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    For a server, {Free,Net,Open}BSD is probably a much better fit (unless you use stuff like Docker that is Linux-only), both for resource usage and resulting uptime.
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    uptime and arch-linux is incompatible.
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    @Linux why? Nobody hinders you to install a stable kernel and to restart only services.
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    Arch is not made with stability in mind.
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    @netikras Have achieved this with Debian already
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    A friend had 3000 days on her laptop, with debian here at work.
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    @Linux On a laptop? That is something.
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    why do I do this to myself
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    Ok, everything runs fine now, let's see if I can keep a good uptime
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