Just had my first freelance job here i Korea. I was told that most(?) of my job was going to be front-end web dev, and that the 'required' skillset was html/css. I thought I'd be making some free money, and I was wrong. Ended up doing all sorts of things like sql,js,ajax,php, and EVEN design. Apparently "developers" here are people who can do pretty much everything on computers. How many other countries are like this?

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    Korea has great tech. Those are important skills to learn. Embrace the opportunity.
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    Here (in France) it depends on the type of the structure you're hired in. So I did both, from hyper specialized back-end dev to One Man Army projects (front, back, database, sysadmin, design...).
  • 3
    Yeah.. Ended up learning a whole bunch of new stuff, so I guess I wasnt at a loss haha
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    Here in South America it's very common because at the most of small software companies the devs are leaded by people who don't have a clue about software enginering and devs have to improvise a spaghetti software desing by themselves under requirements even unknown by the product owner.
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    @0tikurt ahhh that was kind of like the case in which I had to deal with..
    Here in Korea all the big companies and new startups have very specific and organized roled for a set of devlopers but old companies usually lack a single person who knows anything about developement.. Good part though is that spaghetti code gets me through haha
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    @Otikurt, it happens the most on big companies. Welcome to the jungle
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    @rodrigogb I've had enough from the jungle during my last 3 years so I quitted my job a few months ago and started my own business
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    Yeah, that happens, the client ask for some little backend, but you finish doing all the front end, otherwise the backend never will be "visible" by client
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    Oh wow, how's that like? i have an idea I'd like to expand on but it's just too much for me to handle alone.. How did you take the first step?
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    @MrDoubtful I started freelancing while working in my full-time job. It allowed me to save money and build a customer base and a small but stable side income. I did it during 2 years and then I got demotivated enough to consider slowly quitting my job and giving more time to my own customers.
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    In Egypt, there are almost no fuckin dev teams. A single person does all the programming and designing and sometimes even fuckin advertising...
  • 2
    LOL advertising is a whole new level haha
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