
Do you prefer / have quick or calm mornings?

I wake up at 8 am bike 15 min to work at 9 am, do school and personal stuff till 10 am and then start working.

It feels like I just have to take it easy at morning time because I have to also go to school in evenings after work.

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    I need quick mornings. I lay in bed as long as I can and do all the necessary stuff in a rush when I need to get to school. Fuck my life
  • 1
    I'm the calm morning type. I walk to work for half an hour every day, even though the bus drives along the exact road I walk. In that time I can free my mind, sleepwalk a bit more, listen to music or read some article on my phone. It's really calming.
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    Calm morning. I always need to walk through my home, have a cigarette, drink my coffee...
    When I was in high school I used to wake up at 6:00 and leave at 7:00 am to go by bike. It took me only 20 minutes to go there an then I stayed out of the school waiting and reading books until 8
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    @Ftwoeight I know the school morning rush. I was a late sleeper too and almost always late. Now I have at least the freedom to choose my working hours and day or evening school.
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    @Marl3x That's great! I should pick up the walking too.
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    @dmonkey I wish I could wake up that early 😶
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