
My manager is an idiot and a complete asshole.

Knowing that I was working on a solution for an important problem, he sent an email to our customers saying that the problem cannot be solved, and the customers need to take care of it themselves. He sent this email the evening before I was supposed to present my solution to everybody.

It's not the first time something like this happens, but this stupid individual RESIGNED ONE MONTH AGO. He's in notice period right now, and nonetheless he keeps fucking people like he used to do. WHY THE FUCK MANAGEMENT DOES NOT BLOCK HIS EMAIL!?

  • 8
    Present your solution anyways and prove he is wrong? If he keeps doing it he will get fired or his manager role will be taken out from him
  • 1
    Well, now he can be fired without ANY severance package.
    You can even engage in lawsuit for malicious attempt vs your organization.
    He just fucked himself. If I was in charge, he wouldn’t need to come in tomorrow
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript the whole management here is fucked up, none of them would even be able to understand the content of that email
  • 0
    Sounds like should be put on garden leave and do everyone a favour
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