This post https://devrant.com/rants/2237525/...
have raised an interesting question and I have a similar one.

What is an average salary in your country and how much % of it is the cost of the internet?

  • 1
    Finnish total average net salary 2500€/month (mine is ~2000€). I pay 20€ for mobile-network usage.

  • 0
    I'm not sure where this website gets it's data, but this is part of the statistics that you were looking for, right?

    Prices by Country of Internet:
  • 1
    @joas nice map, thanks
  • 0
    The minimum salary of a fresher developer in India is around ₹ 20k. You get a yearly unlimited sms/calls pack for less than ₹ 2 k, which includes 1 GB of data.

    Data providers like ACT offer 75 Mbps internet with a data cap of 750 GB per month for around ₹ 1k

    So, Internet is much cheaper these days compared to a few years ago, thanks to Ambani and Jio
  • 0
    The average salary always give wrong expectations, we should ask for the median salary based on the years of experience (junior, middle, senior).
  • 0
    Difficult to say as there are so many factors to consider.

    Here is a nice article that gives a comparison between two South African cities:


    Regarding internet prices, our speeds in SA is very slow compared to overseas, so keep that in might when comparing.
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