
both sides are real

  • 2
    Jr dev put a semi colon ... Please return to school little morpion
  • 2
    Bad joke

    Still relatable

  • 1
    @M1sf3t i would argue it depends on location (city/country).
    The jr dev test where i work is literally 3 case conditional using modulo to print a string. Its a 3 minute test that takes applicants 40+ minutes to get it wrong. (90-95% fail rate)
    There used to be a time where i was in charge of the test. No applicant ever passed it, and no, it was not hard at all (between kyu 7 and 8 if you are familiar with codewars labeling)
  • 2
    Being a jr dev, this feels so true. But sadly that amazing senior is leaving the company :/
  • 3
    This is my role model! I want to be this kind of a senior to someone! Once I have someone tell me "you were my hero" I can die in peace
  • 1
    @techno848 you’ll get there
  • 1
    @techno848 hey I’m in the a
    Same boat ☹️
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