
How is it that my wireless headset becomes the name of my git bash session in VS code? Speculation welcome.

  • 22
    Does your bash session play terminal sounds at any time?

    You have found a very interesting thing here.
  • 4
    Unless you're playing music via CMD somehow - maybe.... this is a weird one.
  • 19
    You guys got it wrong - answer is simple "windows"
  • 9
    @drekhi12 😅close, but this is wild one even for Windows.
  • 1
    @C0D4 There is no sounds coming from the command prompt. Just running a docker container with node and angular inside. Business as usual.
  • 0
    @irene open an issue on github maybe they will know and can fix it at least
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    Swamp gas reflecting light from Venus...
  • 0
    @Codex404 where do I put the bug? Windows, Jabra, Git bash, or VS code?
  • 1
    @irene VS code. After that the bug will come alive and move around repos until it finds the correct destination.
    For the user this is a mistake in VS Code so that's where it should be reported. People will investigate, add more info and then find out it is an issue in Code or in something else. If it's something else they will report it to the other thing.
  • 1
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Que?
  • 1
    @dontbeevil We need to see your papers and you will need to wear this windows logo around your neck. You will also live in a particular place in town and no longer be a part of the discourse of proper society.

    Nah, I just see fanboy shit. Nazi is something else, more like the media is now.
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