
How the fuck can people acutally work with freaking windows?!

I use a dual boot with ubuntu and windows, the only reason why there is a small piece of windows is because i like to play games some time, and the freaking developers who are coding them are afraid of windows or whatever ...

Anyway, i wanted to try something with windows and app virtualization which required me to use windows. Holy shit everything is so freaking complicated if you want to do it not with a gui. Need some admin rights, ... no dont use the terminal you need to right click 'run as admin' and shit. I mean wtf?!

How can people who have a freaking idea of what they are doing using windows?!

Every f*cking minute with that shitty os feels like a hour. 2 blue screens so far, and it seems m$ decided to download some updates that freaking block my work and getting my pc to lag ... what a piece of sh*t!

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    That's easy - the whole point of Windows is the GUI. You could have deduced that from the OS' name. Ooohh a right click is so difficult. Much more than memorising long command strings. Yeah sure. Newsflash from the early 90s when that was phased out in the MS-DOS world.

    Ooohh it pulls updates? No shit, if you havn't been using it for a long time, then updates have been piling up. That's a problem Windows users obviously don't have because they just let the updates run AFTER work.

    Bluescreens? I havn't had those for years, and even when I had them, it was usually AMD's lousy drivers. Though Win8+ even can restart a crashed graphics driver instead of producing a kernel panic.
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    @Fast-Nop i use windows at home. Ubuntu /windows dual boot at work.

    Windows does have its advantages, the updates are fine. Most things work and are easy to use.

    However, they messed up a lot as well. If I install a new program, 50% of the time i can't find it by using search.

    Why is a right click necessary, if the alternative is sudo.

    Windows is okay, but could be better. Just like Ubuntu in my opinion. :/
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    @Fast-Nop Yeah that with the updates is true but it would be cooler to have actually trigger the updates by yourself, but microsoft doesnt fully suppport that so you are basically trapped ... And i mean at least the oppurtunity should be given to do something via command line ... i mean idont do everything with the command line on linux too ...
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    Ah shit here we go again. Linux goblins will came out of their caves.
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    You can use the runas command
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    With all of my virtualization and VPN things my laptop is locked in as a desktop computer. My audio devices never work right the first time. I can’t unplug and plug back in without major scaling problems. The VPN to get into the customer’s network blocks voip and a bunch of other high bandwidth activities.

    Today I requested that I have a second computer to take to meetings and to use for communications. Why do I need two computers? Because Windows can’t handle the development tasks and communication tasks concurrently.
  • -1
    @Nanos You can’t figure out how to rotate logs? Do you have access to someone that can administer a Linux system or someone to do some web searches on your behalf?
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    @irene Come on, Tesla also failed on logs, that's why their software damages their $3000 MCU with soldered flash memory. Super advanced stuff right there!
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    @Reymann The reason why Windows has good GUI integration is precisely that the CLI sucks.

    And yeah, the forced updates of Win10 do suck, especially because their QA has gone downhills, but otherwise, people wouldn't update at all. And then malware goes viral (haha) through holes that were already fixed, but MS still takes the shit. Maahhh Windows bad maaahhh malware yadda yadda,
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    @M1sf3t Shipping products with log level set to debug and damaging the flash has nothing to do with cost, but with incompetence. Especially because they could fix that easily with their OTA updates.
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    @Nanos Logrotate and/or a cron job?
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    @Nanos Is your search engine broken or why don't you just enter 'linux log rotation'?

    Also, you ONLY EVER defrag HDDs, never flash storage. Flash media don't have the issue of R/W head repositioning in fragged files because there is no R/W head.
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    @M1sf3t It doesn't get caught in testing because it takes a few years before the MCU really locks up and stops the car from being used in any way.

    You just have to know what you're doing as dev in not flooding flash memory with useless debug log settings in shipped products. And that's the problem, they don't know what they're doing, and even worse, they don't care (still no update).

    Also, log files are text files with log messages, and they can grow with every new log message added (unless the oldest lines are also deleted, i.e. rotating logs), and bigger files take up more storage, obviously.
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    @M1sf3t They expect the customer to buy a new MCU after a few years ($3000), and it seems they have made the flash memory bigger in newer MCUs so that they lock up later.

    You can't just "clear" that because the flash memory is defect, not full. And it's soldered onto the board.
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    @ikdekker use wox to find everything easily, windows search is shity as hell.
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    @Nanos wox is open-source and it not only find files butt also can do a lot of things like searching on YouTube , duckdcukgo, find any program, very good calculator and provides many plugins for different tasks. Just try it you will find it helpful.
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    @Nanos Most Linux and Unix shares common patterns. The big groups of Linux are Debian, Red Hat, Fedora, and Slackware. If you don’t have someone more senior than you you are going to have to learn it on your own. A good place to learn about your OS is by reading a book relating to the distro family. Linux is very robust and well thought out but you can shoot yourself in the foot by not learning foundational concepts.

    Unlike Windows, Linux doesn’t do the “you get what you get” settings and wrestle you into using a bunch of weird proprietary GUI tools to change behaviours. All settings are in a plaintext file in a standard directory structure and you can open a file with a text editor in terminal. The GUI isn’t comprehensive and you only have minimal access to settings there. You can script and schedule everything so don’t do repeat tasks and keep good documentation on the customizations you do.

    Things like defragging are different because you are using a different file system that writes to disk in a different way which leaves gaps for files to grow. That stuff will probably be in the intro of a book. What distro are you using?
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    @Nanos Raspian is normal Debian with a different desktop, a few extra drivers, and a smaller collection of apt repos. Learn Debian and use Debian docs because you are working on Debian. 🤓
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    @Nanos Wouldn’t that be an interesting progression? I’m the same person but have everyone thinking I’m someone new? 🤣
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