
I really like that nobody cares about the fucking swearing on this site

  • 14
    watch your fucking mouth!
  • 20
    Shut the fuck up, someones going to get upset about the fucking swearing around here one day, but till then, they can suck my massive purple throbbing cock of utter punishment. 🤔I think a certain alex said that once.
  • 4
    Fuck sake, all of you, go and wash your mouth out
  • 6
    @C0D4 I see purple throbbing cock, I immediately am reminded of that foul mouthed poetic son of a bitch.
  • 5
    @dr-ant I miss that guy.
  • 4
    @C0D4 Hopefully he's doing well.
  • 1
    @Jilano oh God 🤣🤣🤣
  • 2
    @dr-ant @C0D4 @alexdelarge appreciation thread? I'm in
  • 0
    Eat a dick
  • 0
    @%#% &%# /$%!!!
  • 1
    @jennytengsonM we have to draw the line somewhere right? The " n "word has its own rule set and acceptable circumstances, I can't just pull it out mid sentence you fucking "ninja" and get away with it... can I?

    @Jilano I was trying to see if it still fits, you know, it's been a while since I pulled it out of the closet.... I'm slightly regretting this now.

    @dontPanic #AppreciateTheClassics
  • 1
  • 0
    I do like the freedom of expression on here and feel the need to vent some bad language

    Arse badger fuck poodle plum fairy
  • 0
    @kiwibird22 stop stopping the fucking swearing 🥺
  • 0
    Don't fucking necro post
  • 0
    Why the fuck not?
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