What do you guys think of code review? It was supposed to find potential mistakes in your code base, and share your knowledge with your co-workers, right?
In fact I have very bad experiences with code review, not just with 1 company, but quite a few. Code review process always comes to something like this:

Reviewer: Hey, I don't like your solution A because of disadvantages A1. You should implement solution B, because of advantage B1 blah blah...
Me: Yes, it's true that solution B provides advantage B1, but at the same time introduces much more complexity to the code base than necessary, and has disadvantage B2. I am aware that solution A has disadvantage A1 but it is justifiable and easier to overcome than B2 imo. In fact, solution A also provides advantage A2 that you might not know...
Reviewer: No, you HAVE TO implement B because of advantage B1 blah blah *repeating why B1 is awesome again*

I feel like it's just people trying to shove their preferences down my throat. Either code review is useless, or the companies I work for do something very very wrong in code review. Anyway, it's really discouraging me fron participating in team discussions.

  • 5
    Code review shouldn't be based on preferences at all tho. Choosing A or B implementation is a team choice based on how well it fits the product you're making together.
  • 7
    Code review isn't for selecting a path and making decisions. It's for getting a second or third set of eyes over the chosen solution (this should have already been done as @Lyniven said) and making sure there's no bugs, stand out performance issues, or missed requirements, or just recommendations.
  • 0
    I like code reviews, it's useful. Someone explains to me why they prefer a particular solution == I learn something. Either about them as a person or about my job.

    "People" is your problem here. Or "person".
  • 0
    Such an aggressive code review is only warranted if the code actually would run into problems. Like, choice of an n^2 algo because it's fast enough for the small test data sets, but may be faced with large sets now or in the future.
  • 0
    “I don’t like your solution “ WTAF!

    PRs are welcome-> RESOLVE
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