Has anybody had any success in tree Font Awesome Pro with Webpack?

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    Nope, I tend to not serve it myself unless I have to. It doesn't seem like it's sufficiently modular in a way that would be shakeable; your application doesn't usually create explicit imports of its symbols (at least in the toolchains I work with).
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    I just roll with CDNs and imports
  • 1
    @SortOfTested @klutch I'm working with Vue single file components, so I have access to ES6 imports. I have a separate package containing just a few components, and 1.5M is just too fucking big... And that also means that CDN doesn't fit the need very well.
  • 0
    Ah webpack, tell it to include that 👍
  • 1
    @karma Haha, eeh, what?
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