Never understood why other Devs are annoyed most of the time, until i started working with a project manager and having meetings 4 times a week. I can feel my soul leaving my body everyday

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    4 meetings?

    I've got 14 more to get through this week (it's Tuesday night right now) and I'm suppose to get actual work done in there somewhere.
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    @Jilano 😂I can't call them all interesting, but necessary.

    Let's see tomorrow is mostly meetings.

    Scoping out a feature rebuild,it's a busted feature that was rebuilt but only half implemented so it's left to me to work out where it got up to and finish it - mind you it's in production 😂

    Then a white boarding session to get a high level overview of all the systems and integrations

    Lunch 🙃 I might get it tomorrow

    Data gathering meeting after that,

    Sweet half hour to myself 😱😱😱

    Meeting with legal to review recent changes before deployment and then spend the hour after that trying to make the changes that want before I get to call it a day 😂😂

    Thursday, I might actually get some dev work done, couple of small meetings, probably could skip them.

    Then Friday afternoon is back to back meetings again.

    I'll take 4 meetings a week any week instead of this.
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    lol i sometimes have more than 4 meetings a day
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    @C0D4 haha freakin madness dude!
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    @C0D4 Damn, i still have it easy with 4 a week.
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    If only you understood what “Agile” meant on your job description.
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    @Shifu-Hotman the downside to being a dev of many projects, today's (Wednesday now) are for 4 different projects 🤦‍♂️

    Word from the exhausted, learn to context shift early and frequently before upping your meeting game to this level.
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