
Admitting a few things: I found myself ranting multiple times about multiple programming languages and how it's their fault things didn't go my way, I'd like to take the time to admit that I was wrong, not understanding the language was because of my lack of experience with it and patience to understand. So here's my two cents : if you're ranting about a programming language/ framework being bad, you're probably inexperienced and don't know how to use it right. I was retarded for blaming languages such as php and using typescript as being bad even though I was clearly inexperienced with them, sometimes I see a bunch of retards bashing great languages and libraries such as bootstrap, bitch if you can't manage to understand how to copy paste some css classes then you will probably never be able to write css and should consider working as truck driver. It's been a month now in my new company and my skill level has increased exponentially, we are almost ready to launch our app and I have in someway become super excited about learning new tech.

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    Correction : became*
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    the sentiment is appreciated, but i would like to inform that blaming PHP is never wrong.
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    "The truth is always in the middle", so, like that, he's just a normal person.
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    You went from normal retard to advanced retard. Rather curious development...
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    Well another two cents here:

    If I can’t manage to get things working, you probably need to read docu instead of bashing the language/framework.

    But however, if you understand why stuff is working, but don’t agree with how it’s done (eg you’ve seen others doing it better) than you can bash the lang/framework.

    That being said, Angular + Material is a big fat asshole with bad docu and none sense code that doesn’t has to be there. (Have seen better using Vue and bootstrap).

    Feel free to rage on me!
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