
I have been working with git for years now, and I could never work on a project (regardless if big or small) without it. Its great.
However, just a couple of days ago I learned about the git flow branching model.
Even tho I also worked with branching on a daily basis for years, I did not know about this model. And I have to admit: Its awesome.
If you don't know it, I highly recommend you to look it up. It really improves the already organized workflow with git even more. :)

  • 2
    git checkout -b better-than-svn
  • 2
    Life is not the same without gitflow

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    > I highly recommend you to look it up

    I highly recommend looking up alternatives, too, like GitHub flow, One flow, and some others. Here's a link with an overview: https://medium.com/@patrickporto/...

    Git flow (the entire process, as specified by Driessen) is useful if and only if you need to support multiple versions concurrently in the wild. For anything else it's convoluted overkill.
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    @VaderNT Only downside is that the got history is a bit hard to read with all the merges
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    @Kyu96 thats why u should make pull requests and do squash merges. Also always rebase on the main branch instead of merging it to your current feature branch
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