how do you actually get a paying job in development, nobody seems to be hiring backend developers anymore...

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    Which country do you live in?
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    at least not with a skill stack that is all over the place (Js, node, react-native, adonisJS)
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    @vorticalbox the biggest issue seems to be that i dont know all those development paradigms, domain driven design, etc

    Besides that i have no creativity so i have no idea what to build for a portfolio

    (severe adhd doesnt help either, because i get bored and disinterested in projects that take too long)
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    Learn a normal language without an oversaturated market
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    @yellow-dog like which one?
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    Idk about the netherlands, here its java and php
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    @vorticalbox but what is interesting?
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    maybe i should find another occupation.. im starting to feel less and less that im cut out being a developer.

    sure i made a few apps for ios and android along with some API's, but that was a year ago and im starting to need money.. ugh..

    Maybe forklift driver at a warehouse
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    Nonsense! I the pieces of shit that live in my city earn a living being "developers" then there is no such thing as not being cut out for it. Do you like learning new things and you want to make it in the field? then that is about all you need. Find out what technologies are in your area and learn how to apply them into sample projects that you can put online in a portfolio page introducing yourself, write about code and the stuff that you do with it or you like inside that same site, get good with basics algos and data structures and be likeable and you up your chances of being hired.

    Just don't give up and learn the skills that you need, all of these items are learnable, be it test driven development, different architectural patterns etc etc, just don't give up on your passion if this truly is what you want to be doing for a living, trust me, someone out there needs your skills.
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    @AleCx04 I have no idea when something feels like a passion, i i dont exactly have the motivation to start picking at those things at the moment.

    And yes it bothers me that i hear stories of crappy developers that pick their nose all day and still get by
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    @dakkarant then that precisely is what will get you. I can say this from experience, if the dude sitting in the chair in front of me being interviewed does not show the passion for it then I don't want him in my team. People feel those vibes, its easier to tackle hard problems when the people working on them really enjoy what they are doing.

    Don't get me wrong, I ain't saying that you should make development the end all be all of your life, not at all, but if you like it and you are good at it: then it shows. And that is precisely what people mean by passion.

    Maybe you are right, if you can't force yourself to learn something new, and /or you are unwilling, looking at different career options might be the best solution for you.
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    I need a job too!!! I'm in the US, but I'll keep my eyes for stuff out and over the drink for ya
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