
React Training offering discounts to anyone who isn't a... I'll let you guess.

Just thought it was funny that they'd list all this criteria instead of opting for the easier "As long as you're not a straight white guy"

  • 18
    I take pride in knowing I ruin the world according to these retarded cunts.

    Obligatory @Root. Enjoy πŸ€—πŸ˜‚
  • 31
    I'm a person of color because I don't absorb 100% of incoming light
  • 1
    @Stuxnet It's all just meaningless noise at this point.
  • 7
    I mean, that's a bit excessive. I'm just going to assume for my own amusement that they assume the reason no one wanted to take their react training is because they aren't woke enough.

    Also, do the discounts compound?
  • 2
    Can we get a link?
  • 2
    @SortOfTested If they do, people with Twitter bio's with a lot of nouns in are going to have a fucking good time.
  • 8
    Fuck it, I am now "under employed"
  • 2
  • 4
    Please add


    to any worskshop url πŸ˜…
  • 16
    White males are indigenous in Europe πŸ€”
  • 9
    Looks like LGBT acquired 2 new characters and an operator. What does IA+ mean?

    What did they mean by non-binary people? Like decimal, octal or hexadecimal people?

    If I meet 3 of the criterion can I get 150% discount?
    - people of color : color is a social construct
    - disabilities: crippling depression
    - temporary financial troubles: can't stop buying shit I don't need
  • 20
    I self-identify as a homoromantic pansexual (let's simplify that to bisexual) chick who is indigenous to the minority country of Kekistan. I have a severe case of empathy dysfunction, especially when overwhelmed by others' emotions. I'm also the Kekistani government's only Rails dev, and they severely underpay me in imaginary goodwill, since they've run out of both cash and exposure. When I'm not volunteering my time there, I'm a full-time student learning how not to be hated simply for existing. I've also put all of my money into investments, so I'm pretty hard up for cash. Did I mention I have a skin color, and even have spots?

    Where do I apply for my 428363% discount rebate?
    I take cash, or ACH credit in a pinch.
  • 2
    fucking normies! Get out of my reeeeeeeeeeeeact training!
  • 4
    Plenty of ways for straight white men to qualify. Bit of an overreaction here
  • 1
    @M3m35terJ05h The overreaction is not a serious one.
  • 3
    All I know is that things were fairly low drama before all this social justice, intersectional, etc. bullshit started. So while I muddled along as a normal mostly nice person, the world changed around me and all I hear these days is that I'm the source of all the world's ills because I can't sneak up on anybody at night and I can pee standing up. And so I'm dismayed at the poison those people spread in the Orwellian name of inclusiveness and fear for my children. Because they are dangerous idiots, and there are a lot of them.
  • 4
    Seriously, it doesn't validate your answers, I left the "coupon" above.

    I just ticked all the boxes, I expect a large discount out of this.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet how are they even going to fucking verify your LGBTQXYCASDFdjdh status? I’m personally okay with the veteran discount, but this LGBT and race shit really shows that stupidity has no fucking bounds.
  • 4
    I hate the fact that they make discounts depend on extremely personal data. Why should anyone trust them to handle that data properly?
  • 1
    @don-rager extremely personal? Bruh it's not like they're asking for your SSN and a blood sample.

    I think it's retarded, obviously, but let's not put our tin foil hats on already.
  • 5
    Sexual orientation is literally fucking personal. That's the only Part of their requirements that ist extremely personal but they're still cunts for offering people discounts to be willing to answer that.
  • -1
    @don-rager right well if you identify as one of the alphabet letters then chances are it's clearly not something you're hiding which makes it not that personal.

    But hey you're entitled to have a wrong opinion 😏 /s
  • 6
    @Stuxnet Come on mate, you've gotta realise there's respectable people who don't flaunt their sexuality that fall into that.

    Even though I too think anything past the T in the alphabet soup becomes silly.
  • 7
    @Stuxnet it's not like any gay dude is automatically some Kind of social justice Warrior who claims he's special because he likes dicks instead of vaginas. It takes a special of retard to be openly thinking that way
  • 0
    I'm a straight white male and I still tick 2 of these
  • 3
    @Frederick baffles me how "people of colour" isn't reacted to the same way as "coloured people" it's the same fucking thing but flipped.
  • 0
    ... is that even legal?
  • 1
    @hash-table ah yes, the ol' ginger lynchings. I remember them well.
  • 6
    @monkeyboy there's still quite a bit of drama, to the point it's pretty much a crime to be LGBT or woman in some countries. In the west it has relatively recently gotten better, but actual discrimination still exists. If you don't see it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  • 0
    @electrineer no doubt there will always be some that discriminate ( in the bad sense of the word). And, the are certainly many places in the world far, far worse than where I live. It's just that I grew up and lived for a long time where "treat everybody the same" was the simple rule to getting along. Now it's all about slicing and dicing us all into the smallest of components and condemning or praising us based on those trivial categories. It's poison, and it's creating a whole generation of bigots who all think they are virtuous and everyone but like them is inherently flawed. I want to never again hear about a movie or book or company board or political body or anything else where the only thing of note is the person's skin color or gender of religion. I want us to act like it doesn't matter again.
  • 0
    @AshesOfTheSun intersexual, asexual and everyone else who has no letter in the name.
  • 1
    I understand disabilities, full-time students, govt. workers, etc. but this is... excessive. I'm saying this as one of said listed minorities..
  • 1
    that's because modern racists operate under the doctrine that positive discrimination isn't discrimination, and they pretend to be "inclusive" and thus can't admit that they are discriminating.
  • 0
    @S0L4RE they don't need to validate it because under their dogma you automatically are what you identify as.

    -sincerely, an african american eskimo non-binary woman to woman trans man
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