
Pet peeve #149:
Use Fibonacci sequence to indent your code.

  • 4
    Code>Format Code
    I'm not annoyed anymore.
  • 1
    @Cube189 Argh! Next time, mr Cube!
  • 2
    Is it just me or does that actually look pretty good and space economic?
  • 0
    Shouldn't it be that way anyways? 😐
  • 0
    @JBSnorro no I'd prefer brackets and descriptive names. What the hell is a and b?
  • 1
    @JBSnorro I now want someone to make an editor plug-in to manipulate tab size into this...
  • 1
    It has the advantage of having levels of indentation cost more and more, forcing refactoring after a certain level (if you have a max column, but you do). Linux kernel has tabs at 8 and max column at 80 with this as a rationale.
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