Can we please stop using WordPress to create landing pages! I know that WP was an awesome solution back in the day and solved a lot of the hassle that came on building sites especially landing pages, but now JS frameworks/cms matured and are easy to use and implement! Or maybe I'm just a PHP hater so... death to PHP!

  • 7
    Comparing PHP and Wordpress is almost the same as comparing JS and jQuery and shouting death to JS.

    But we can still shout together death to Wordpress, think any sane self-respecting dev hates it.
  • 3
    The first problem is needing a server to create a landing page. The rest just fractals out from that moment of inspiration.
  • 3
    @SortOfTested I'm sorry I can get a server rendered page to load faster then a JS framework, I guess I'll go fire up react and add 5-10 seconds of load time.
  • 1
    Is common react really that bad? On the angular side we find longer than 600ms to functional unacceptable.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested based on the wild, it certainly feels like it most of the time.

    I that 600ms cached though?
  • 0
    No, we don't benchmark cached. Expectation is that factoring is correct to allow chunking for lazy loading and http/2 is functional, sprites and composites, embedded chunked svgs, etc.
  • 0
    @myss you have a point my friend but maybe I just threw that comment for the sake of showing my despise for PHP hehe... Like I don't like pizza with chicken... Death to PHP 🤪
  • 0
    Page landing if noting is dynamic just compile to static pages
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