That feeling when a company HR person (recruiter) tells you after your interview that this has been the best interview so far and you have made her day


  • 8
    What kind of bull... oh hold on, what were you and that recruiter doing on that desk?
  • 2
    @C0D4 It's called "job interview" nowdays. Come on, keep up old man, will you!
  • 0
    @Nanos Very similar to mine :)

    Hope for the best; prepare for the worst

    I like to take it one step further - to prepare for the worst, since just being aware of it doesn't seem to help a lot :)
  • 1
    @Nanos The only thing I could do is pretend to have an inner city accent. I don't think that will make me more diverse though.
  • 1
    End it by saying, "You should be down in hollywood."

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