
!rant apologies

I am a third year computer science student and I'm interested to see how professionals think I stack up against grads they have worked with straight from uni.

I have spent 15 months at a web company working on bespoke solo products on LAMP stacks. I know html, css, JavaScript and its library JQuery very well (I know JavaScript is massive to be saying I know it well)

I am reasonable at PHP and MySQL. Currently I am studying node.js and building an api that mashes up data from other APIs to build a new service. I'm also working on a C# Microsoft framework bespoke website. I know git to a reasonable level - branches, merges, rollbacks and all that jazz.

I am also studying development architectures to try and be more useful.

So if you guys came across a new grad that knew HTML, css, JavaScript, JQuery, maybe angular js, PHP, basic Linux commands, MySQL, C#, dev architectures, agile methods, node.js, git and has 15 months experience working on small to medium sized solo projects would you want to hire them?

Point to note I'll probably graduate first class (80%+) from a mid range uni.

Sorry, I know this is not the place but I like this community.

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    Buddy I've been hired as a developer 5 years ago with no experience, no degree and my previous job was packing crisps at walkers(lays) factory.

    You've got plenty under your belt for a student in my humble opinion. Then again it all depends if your code is good. I've seen people that were hired as seniors and couldn't even complete fizzbuzz. I guess it's all about how good you are at selling yourself.
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    Well I can certainly complete fizzbuzz xD
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    Knowledge and experience looks great on paper! (screen)
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    I'm in a middleweight developer position with zero qualifications, and got into the job 2 years ago with less knowledge than you have now.

    You'll do fine :)
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    I'm a junior developer but being coached by an amazing architect. Personally I would want you to understand many design patterns, especially dependency injection.
    Clean code, DRY and SOLID are mandatory.

    Knowledge of many tools is nice, especially object to object mappers and why they're useful.

    The last thing is mainly passion. I want to work with people who love reading about the newest tools, languages and frameworks. A developer who doesn't tinker around with crazy concepts at home isn't all that interesting to me.
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