Goodbye T430p, you served long and did a good job.

  • 1
    I had t430 until it got stolen.
    What happened to yours?
  • 1
    @pptp got old, joined the PC Masterrace, rediscovered it and now doing a final backup
  • 1
    @birkenspanner It was the ideal for me and still would have been for the terrible display.
    Changed it for t440 but had to replace the display and the touchpad as they were garbage.
    What is the new one?
  • 0
    Send it to me!
  • 2
    Thinkpads are awesome. They're built like tanks.

    Mine survived coffee spills, dropped on floors, rough handling.
  • 2
    Blow it up with a rocket launcher ? .... Exploding old tech is fun...
    Sadly new tech is doing it automatically
  • 0
    Any one remember the T20?
  • 1
    @pptp changed it for a self built PC, now that I got money.
  • 1
    @FitzSuperUser it might even survive a Rocket Launcher
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