Well done windows a zero day bug that escalates privilege. Google was so pissed about it they released the info before Microsoft could fix it πŸ˜‚

  • 1
    Well fixing bugs ain't that easy especially for an os has been around over 2 decades!
  • 2
    And what about "Dirty COW"? These OSes are just a fragile pile of lame code 😬
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    @HoloDreamer it's the fact Google told Microsoft πŸ˜‚ then 10 days later went hey everyone there's this bug you gotta fix remind Microsoft

    Microsoft slow at fixing bugs cause terrified they will crash millions if computers n brick em
  • 2
    @danzig666 The difference is that Dirty Cow is a bug and the new Windows exploit is based on an official OS feature, so antivirus software can't even identify it as exploit.
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    @danzig666 you get what Linux is right ? Bug comes up they are aware off it gets fixed within a day ... Cause open source ... Is a boss
  • 3
    @FitzSuperUser not really.
    Linux 4.8.3 was released a few weeks ago and it fixed a critical bug that Torvalds tried to fix eleven years ago.

    In fact, I read at Linux Inside that there bugs in Linux that go unfixed for years.
  • 3
    @ezbie sigh ... I knew someone would mention that πŸ˜‚,

    All the exploits on Linux are unlikely to be used in a attack... Because pft why bother not enough users

    Alot if bugs come up and get fixed straight away, some slip through the ones that do the code doesn't get reviewed for months or years sadly. So they just aren't spotted. Its not likely to cause major issues anyway except the one you mentioned which allows super user ... So
  • 0
    @FitzSuperUser I know what Linux is: not taking the Desktop Consumer Market by storm like it should 😜so we have to cope with Windaze...
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