Why you prefer sublimetext over notepad++ ?

The answer I got in most interviews is : It has a nice GUI.

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    It handles big files better
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    Seems like an odd question to ask. What's the right answer?
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    It does have a nice GUI πŸ˜πŸ‘
    50 points to the answer....
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    I hate the gui. Even in fullscreen mode it still has the ugly light grey bars which make the entire dark theme pointless.
    And the only mode without them only shows one file at a time.

    Why doesn't it let me just switch off all these UI elements like Atom?
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    I think a appeling UI is important, atleast for me. I don't really know why but, maybe it has something to do with knowing where to search for a function in the program if it looks nice and tidy

    The best color scheme is Monokai Pastel😍
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    Multi cursor with multi edit.... That's the biggest sublime feature of them all to me
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    Notepad++ is only for Windows.
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    Ctrl fuzzy p
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    Adobe Brackets is my weapon of choice.

    It's free, open source, fully hackable, loads of extentions, language and preprocessors support, Emmet, even has live preview for those who don't have a local development enviroment setup...

    Makes my life so much easier.
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    I prefer Atom. Its worth giving a shot πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
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    @kvsm you should know your tool. I expect to hear feature comparisons from one's perspective.
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    @ankurj atom is pretty cool. I wish it would preform better though. Seems laggy compared to sublime.
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    I expect them to say which features they like and increases productivity. The sad part is in my area most developers dont even have a single custom code snippet.You have sharp your tools.
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    @brettmoan notepad++ had this feature as well. But sublime's is more powerful.
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