
In Russia we have a huge techno-nazi community. They often can be found on some programming forums and a website called Habr.

They’ll shame you if you’re a web developer and don’t write in Asm or C. They spread toxic memes and insulting “stupid humanitarians”. One particular guy constructed the whole ideology that is focused on technological enthusiasts being the “master race” and implies recycling non-technical people in so-called “bioreactors” for energy.

Please don’t be like them.

  • 12
    Sounds great! Shaming for not using ASM and C ! Omg these must be my people... I COULD BE A LEADER THERE! Place sounds freaking awesome!

    hail mother russia! Haha
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    @frogstair there are memes and then there are straight up harassment and extremism
  • 7
    "recycling non-technical people in so-called “bioreactors” for energy."

    I mean... they aren't wrong...
    *flashbacks of all the tech illiterate customers/clients he had to deal with*

    but yes, stack elitism is dumb
  • 1
    Yeah, Russia has some fairly unsavory humans on the fringe.

    From what I've seen, most of the Russian techno-cryptofascists are all talk on the skills front. They are however definitely not all talk on the supremacy front and are dangerously unstable.
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    There's a reason why Russian hackers can get done more with a C64 than others with a super computer. At least before the vodka.
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    Tsk tsk tsk. If you think it's only in Russia, then I have news for you. Just look at some threads in Hacker News. Or... *gulp* you wanna say those are undercover fellows?
    Jk, Internet is full of trash with or without Habrahabr. Well, I don't appreciate their points, invitation system and such. But mostly it's a Medium for russian devs, so it's not going down any time sooner, "bioreactor" is working.
  • 1
    They are just trolling. Ignore them, and you'll beat them.
  • 0
    I remember being a part of an online tech community that went off the rails a bit.

    It really leads to dark places, usually the Nazi types love to feed on lonely folks like that.
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    @Frederick Because the Russian soul must be large to cover the vastness.
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    Change bioreactors to feeding people intravenously from the recycled dead. Then you got the Matrix! These people serve Skynet!
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    Insecure people trying to make themselves feel more important with pointless tribalism?

  • 1
    We should make a tribe that uses only assembly and rip them for being girly men who need C
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    @LesMore you can still feel insecure in a country with terrible human rights records and poor economic prospects.

    Meanwhile, I'm not sure how someone asking to be given the same rights as you takes your rights away, it's not a zero sum game.
  • 2
    @kwilliams Because it's not about the same rights. It's about MORE rights. Here an example from Hollywood's movie industry about what's going on - white men are being thrown out:


    And they deserve it because they were the ones who embraced this shit in the first place. Now that they get to taste their own leftist medicine, they don't like it.

    That's why Russians don't give in already at the beginning.
  • 1
    I've never seen any "SJW" claim anyone deserves more rights because they are a minority.

    Some minorities, unfortunately, need assistance to break existing stereotypes or social barriers, but I've never seen someone say "fire all the straight white dudes and only hire black Hispanic non-binary otherkins instead".
  • 2
    @kwilliams Then read the link I gave, that's where it's going. Even in IT, how do you think minority quotas are being met? Why, by lowering standards for minority folks of course, which effectively is giving more rights.

    And just to inform you, if someone says "ALL lives matter", that's already "racist" these days. That's how lunatic the left has become.
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    @kwilliams They are doing that now with to diversify police forces. Even though the police force has a contract that says otherwise and it is against the law.
  • 1
    The daily mail isn't a reliable need source. You know this 😋
  • 2
    @SortOfTested None of the news sources are reliable. None of the fact checkers are reliable.
  • 0
    There's levels of accuracy. The daily mail is slightly less accurate than USA today, slightly less biased than your average daily mail or Sinclair broadcasting affiliate.
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    @SortOfTested You can say that about any source these days, so that's not an argument. You'd need to find an alternative and more reliable source that debunks the report, that would be an argument.

    Given the woke crap Hollywood is into, and that saying "all lives matter" does count as racist, the report is believable. It's just amusing that the woke white men thought they'd be spared as long as they stay in line - totally not getting that being white men makes them a target. That's the point of racism, that it doesn't matter what the victim says or does.

    These woke people will not stop because their goal is not "diversity". It's destroying society in the hope that they could use the resulting chaos to establish marxism 2.0.
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    asm and c are just tools. i don’t use them because to me they are not fit for the job. It would be like building a sandcastle using tweezers.
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    @dUcKtYpEd it probably wouldn’t but ok
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    I feel you bro i Know this kind of people. The saddest part for me in that is that usually they really know their shit :D so like it or not you need to cope with that attitude.
  • 1
    Where do you get they know their shit? They hit my last client's servers all day long with the most obvious, bush league script kiddie shit imaginable.
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    We have this electronic forum in Poland. Guys are assholes but they solved for me plenty of "impossible" problems throwing insults about my knowledge on the way but the results where there :D maybe your russian guys know f all. I dont know.
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    @provector they may know some shit for now, but this false superiority and extremism in their ways of thinking just compromises their ability to adapt, so their long-term skill is doomed. They are cursed to turn into rusty old assholes who do nothing but bitching about how modern developers are bad. Classical uncle bob martin
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    @provector It's analogous to a bully. They think they are strong until they get beaten up.
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    @Bybit260 true. Openness and agility in our field always wins over blunt force
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    Well i think we are looking at this from two different perpectives. I know bullies and i dont like them. What i have in mind is this type of antisocial developer who spends 20h a day coding and creating libriaries we all use witouth even knowing. Those people simply dont know how to handle people and make up their social disefficiencies with "bullying" in tech fields as this is the only field they really feel strong in. When i met few of those people in real life they turn out to be really nice and helpful once you break the barrier of engagement with them. Maybe those russian guys are jus simply assholes but what im saying is i saw those people from a different perspective and sometimes what it seems like its not what it is. Anyway like i said it might not be the case in your case :)
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    Having come up in the zero tolerance for stupidity world of comp.lang.c, I can say they are objectively just fascist assholes who like to start fires.
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