
First year of PhD over, no idea where my thesis is going, no friends who can understand, no one to ask for honest advice, no support, lab mates don't care, advisor is busy with I don't know what....... seems like I'm fucked

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    Firstly, this should be rant tag, not dev rant

    Second, I gave up on my PhD for the same reason. Too much time, not enough reward.
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    @SortOfTested Sorry about the tag, I can't seem to change it now.

    I am thinking of getting some good skills and quitting midway.
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    I kind of regret it, but not really. I eventually got stymied behind an advisor who refused to progress my thesis even though it had made it's point. He basically wanted to keep me around as free labor covering his lower division courses.

    I took the money and left. If you can get a better advisor and get out in 2 years, it's worth staying.
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    @SortOfTested I have some co-advisors I am planning to reach out to this semester. Let's see how that goes.

    Thank you for replying. It has become a very isolated existence which few understand
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    I'm trying to relate but I'm still a bachelor student so uh :|

    Good luck though!
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    When you are not genuinely interested in increasing scientific knowledge but just want a title, it happens. A friend of mine is in his last year, he is in oblivion, leave phd if you are not focused, dont waste anyone’s time.
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    @Nanos it's not 2007 any more
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    I use living room. I sent a group text, and then my friends show up in my living room and we nerd. It's pretty sweet and has 0 Google integration.
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    @Nanos I think I have successfully avoided those platforms
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