
Anyone uses mechanical keyboard here? I want to ask what stabilizers you use?

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    The ones that came with it. As long as the space bar works properly I don't think it's a big deal, there are crappy ones that especially make the space hang though.

    My old Ducky One has cherry switches but they are quite loose so every press of 1u keys is met with a bit extra resistance. Far less enjoyable than my new keyboard.
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    @hjk101 mostly my problem is with the stabs on space bar
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    Having a mechanical keyboard is not a personality.
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    Costar stabilizers, which are standard on a Filco keyboard. If your spacebar rattles you can lube the stabilizers. Make sure to use lube that is safe to use on plastics.
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    What is stabilizer?
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    @aviophile wondering the same thing
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    @uyouthe everyone knows that, drinking expensive coffee is not also one
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    @koes space bar rattles a problem with some diy kits that come with cheap stabs
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    @DevRage i don’t drink coffee at all after one liter of coffee arrhythmia accident.
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    None, I buy good keyboards and it is not needed.

    And then JUST after waranty experies, I'll drop a beer or cofee or other sugary thing on it. And 50/50 chances for it to die on the spot.

    So yeah around 300$/year for keybords
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    @DevRage you could buy other ones? For example, see https://amazon.com/gp/aw/...
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