
Little poll:
I am building a cooperative website for something that I care. I don't want anything to be more expensive than free, but I still have to pay for the servers. I don't intend to make gains with it.
What is better: a single add on the front page, not intrusive, or a Wikipedia-like campain every year to get the money to pay the servers?

I am opposed to any kind of publicity in my case: for me, internet was created and has to be keept with the spirit of sharing. I give money to wikipedia when I can, I support projects on kickstarters, etc. Adds are the oposite: they don't mean to share, but to sell, hence completely destroying the spirit of internet. But I also need to know that my site may not be visited by people with my point of view: olders wouldn't pay as easily as youngers, and my project targets a very large group of people.

Please help me making a decision, I think I will have a lot of different opinions!

  • 1
    Support us and you have an ad free experience?
  • 2
    Maybe, I saw once an add like this with kitten, it was cute ^^
  • 1
    Yup you should go with the support us campaign. Ad is very messy but pays well. It would be better if you use a message to tell the visitors that you independently funded and give some stickers or maybe something less expensive to the people who support.
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