YouTube or Anime, I don't know which is worse for mental health

Crushing procrastination vs destructive seduction, pick your poison

  • 0
    @rutee07 Talking about destructive seduction... How's your sex life going?
  • 1
    @rutee07 Pretty much the sahara desert. Not that it has ever not been the sahara desert
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    Watch Youjo Senki
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    @Jilano up for that
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    @Jilano The deal is struck comrade.
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    _"Seduce me"_
  • 1
    Probably YouTube, just on merit of its volume.
  • 2
    Instagram, if your friends are typical young bitches and watch a crapton of tiktok imported videos.
    Oh, and also random news feeds. Why am I reading fox news? Idk, but I feel enraged like a 90 yrs old grandma on xanax!
  • 0
    Well YouTube just introduced self limiter so there is your answer
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