
Got about 6 hours of work done in 2. Where's my fucking prize?

  • 11
    Have this ++ and a kiss on the left cheek
  • 2
    @Lyniven 😊😊
  • 6
    If you push it to the limit and go above and beyond, maybe next year I’ll afford another Lamborghini.
  • 9
    You know that feeling, when you get a big chunk done, and then you look at the pile you have left and go "well, fuck!"

    Can this project be over already? 😢 (it's not that I don't love it, but it could be bit easier, you know)
  • 0
    Special thanks to the boss-man. It is actually the first time I see the role of a supervisor as "stop her from over-reacting and throwing her work out of the window and go into self-destruct mode".
  • 0
    @NoMad well then it wasn't 6 hours' work, was it?
  • 0
    @sudo-compile maybe not, if you're a super genius 😛
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