Fuck. I just want to fucking use OpenCV on CLion on Windows. Why the fuck do I need twenty fucking PhD's in quantum rocket science to set up a simple project with Cmake?

During the time I just wasted trying to get the correct library to link properly, I could have rewritten all of Tesla's fucking CV functionality from scratch, but instead here I am spending literal fucking hours googling why the fuck does 'recursive_mutex' not name a fucking type in namespace 'std' on mingw.

Fuck C++ I'm going back to C# where I can literally install OpenCV and all of its fucking dependencies from nuget with ***ONE*** fucking click.

  • 1
    Can't you use pre configured docker container for that? And link them via networking?
  • 0
    Mingw is quite literally the last in line. If you're going that route, you should probably just spin a Linux instance.
  • 1
    @heyheni I don't have any experience with docker. Maybe this would be a great opportunity to start learning it.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested The problem is that CLion uses the mingw toolchain by default.
  • 0
    Only on windows. You can also set it up to use wsl or cygwin, but that won't improve matters much.
  • 1
    Laughs in included jar in classpath.
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