You absolute piece of shit.
Fuck you.
I hope your sleeves slide down every single time you wash your hands.

  • 10
    That's weird af.
  • 21
    Fucking truth.

    Also, Chance the rapper nailed this sort of directed aphorism:

    I hope you get a paper cut on your tongue
    From a razor in a paper cup
    I hope every soda you drink already shaken up
    I hope your dreams dry like raisins in the baking sun
    I hope your titties all saggy in your early 20's
    I hope there's always snow in your driveway
    I hope you never get off Fridays
    And you work at a Friday's that's always busy on Fridays
    I hope you win the lottery and lose your ticket
    I hope the zipper on your jacket get stuck
    And your headphones short, and your charger don't work
    And you spill shit on your shirt
  • 4
    @F1973 The entry and relay list is public. That's not a secret.
  • 7
    @F1973 TOR is an anonymization network of many servers. If you connect to it, your internet traffic goes through a so-called "Guard" or Entry node. From there, your traffic is forwarded through multiple other servers, until it reaches the "Exit" node, which sends your traffic to whatever you wanted to contact. This makes it impossible to see who sent what traffic.
    Sadly, the list of servers needs to be public so that you can build a list of servers you want to use, so some assheads block them all.
  • 22
    @F1973 Don't block TOR. It's the lifeline of many people in internet-censored countries.
  • 6
    Yep, never being allowed to return to Shanghai is a small price to pay for smashing the great firewall.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested I actually love decarbonated soda. I shake them before drinking. I also polished my bottle opening skills to an absolute limit just for not spilling soda all over myself.
  • 3
    That's weird. I wonder why they would do that?

    No further explanation?

    Granted it's also their site to do what they want...but wtf that is strange.
  • 1
    Showed this to a colleague and I've never seen him type "lol" and "why" on separate lines before.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested have u been banned from there? Tell us more
  • 4
    Burn in hell. (although I don't believe in that).

    I can think of many reasons why someone would use tor, especially since I use it a lot myself!
  • 2
    I have not. But I also have no doubt given my position on informational liberty that I am far less welcome now than I was when I lived there.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested I get it. I think I would be immidiately hanged when crossing the border as I have said and wrote countless times f. c***a
  • 1
    I love china so much on a personal level, but I can't back authoritarianism.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested I've never been there. I am interested in their culture. Even had opportunities to go there but got repelled by the many things that are against my values.
  • 3
    Why would he go through the trouble to make this a thing???
  • 1
    @JFK422 That's what I keep wondering. I have some thoughts in my head but man ... I'm more curious than anything else.
  • 2
    Dude in his forties, experienced programmer I think, powers a website with freebsd, I’m sure knows about free software and sharing TOR nodes but bans TOR. That’s some next level irony
  • 1
    @coffeeholic fuck the CCP specifically
  • 0
    I can understand doing this by accident with some shitty filters. But anyone who does this on purpose is a grade A asshole.
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