
As much as I love Microsoft, they're really getting on my nerves now.
I didn't fuckin spend 499usd on a new lumia just to reset it nearly every month coz it decides to fuck itself up out of the blue.
What does microsoft support say to its random breakdowns? Oh um hard reset it. HOW ABOUT FUCKIN NO.
My on the ventilator lumia 1520 didn't give me these many troubles in years as much as the 950xl did in mere months.
I'm this close. THIIIIS close to return my lumia for an *gulp* iPhone.
Last time I used that monstrosity was years ago, iPhone 4 if I remember correctly.

  • 11
    Join the Android master race and you'll never look back!
  • 3
    @azuredivay 4.4? The current android version is 7. Would you like to use iOS 5?

    Not trying to judge you, your choice after all.
  • 3
    @azuredivay Great to know that you are enjoying iPhone!

    Remember though, if you spend the same amount of money on Android as you are going to spend on an iPhone, you'll never have the instability you're talking about.

    I've been using Xperia Z5 for 2 years now and I don't remember the last time I had to reset it.
  • 1
    Android. The OS where about 80% of the people are using older versions. And where more than 50% are 2 full versions behind. You guys should know why thats bad. So il just stick to my overpriced but uptodate iphone.
  • 0
    try the Huawei P9 family the interface is iOS like and it's really fast
  • 0
    @SPA-NL Sad thing is that it has little to do with Android itself, but the companies behind the phones who deem it a waste of their time to upgrade it. I believe that if iOS was publicly available like Android, it would ses the same neglegt on many phones as with Android. So in conclusion, comparing Android/Android phones vs. the iPhone on whether or not they are up-to-date software wise is rather meaning-less, imo.

    If you want up-to-date Android phones, you should simply go for the Nexus/Pixel line-up
  • 0
    @noctem the biggest problems with the upgrades is that they keep changing 1 design to a other if they kept 1 uniform hardware design like Google did with the Nexus and pixel it would have been very easly to upgrade but because company's like Samsung, LG ... keep their systems different with 1 chip they get fucked when a new Android version comes
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    @SPA-NL Well if update is that important to you why don't you buy a Google Pixel Phone?
  • 2
    Personally i use a iphone.

    I agree that android and ios are very different in lots of ways. But sinds android i the only competition for iphones the comparison is inevitable.

    I think that if companies didn't make there own versions of android the os could develop a lot faster and be a stronger os doing so.

    As a mobile developer i can say with some experience that developing for android is a nightmare and not really worth it. Just like a webdeveloper complains about the many browser versions to support. Android has to many different mobiles and os versions to support. With result in les and lower quality apps.

    Anyway. Just my opinion.
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    @SPA-NL I agree in the base it might be the same but the 20 UIs and the difference in hardware makes it hard to keep everything updated and for the phones where the update would cause bad performance they just stop supporting it all together
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